Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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1,017 lines
#include "global.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "files.h"
#ifndef MSDOS
#include "ctype.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "timer.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "bm.h"
#include "pool.h"
#if !defined(_lint)
static char rcsid[] OPTIONAL = "$Id: bid_wp.c,v 1.25 1997/09/07 21:18:28 root Exp root $";
extern char *wpageCheck (char *string, int bbs, int updateit, char which);
extern void sortit (const char *fname, int entrysize, int searchsize, int strsize, time_t age);
static void Oldbidtick (void *p);
static void Oldbidprocess (int a, void *v1, void *v2);
static int dotimer (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int doexpkick (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int dobidkick (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int doage (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
int dombbid (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
#ifdef WPAGES
static void exp_function (const char *funcname, const char *filename, const char *fname, int theage, struct timer * thetimer, int strsize, int sortsize);
static int dotempage (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static void TempWPages (void);
extern void wpageAdd (char *entry, int bbs, int updateit, char which);
static int dowpsupport (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
int wpserver (FILE * fp, const char *from);
static int dowpserver (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int dowpclient (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int dowpupdate (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int dowpdest (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static int dowpclicall (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static void WPUpdatetick (void *p);
static void Oldwpagestick (void *p);
static void Oldwpagesprocess (int a, void *v1, void *v2);
void add_WPUpdate (char *call, char *home, char *name, char which);
#ifdef POOLED
static int dobidmemory (int argc, char **argv, void *p);
static int dobidcount (int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
static void bid_load (int mode);
extern int expired;
void bid_delete (register char *string);
int bid_check (register char *string);
void bid_add (char *bid, time_t now, int tofile, char *to);
static char OpenErr[] = "expire: err %d opening %s";
static char RenErr[] = "expire: err %d renaming %s to %s";
static char WriteErr[] = "expire: err %d writing %s";
#define MSPMINUTE (1000L*60L)
extern char *BIDsuffix;
#ifdef WPAGES
#define WPDEST 10
#define MSPHOUR (1000L*60L*60L)
#define MSPDAY (1000L*60L*60L*24)
static char *WPdestinations[WPDEST];
static char *WPcall;
static struct timer WPUpdatetimer;
static int WPClient, WPServer;
int MbWpages = 1;
static int WPtempAge = 30;
extern char *Mbhaddress;
extern char *mbxRCall;
#ifdef POOLED
static int MemBid = 0;
struct membid {
struct membid *next;
char bid[14];
long time;
char to[14];
#define NULLMEMBID ((struct membid *)0)
static struct membid *MemBidTop;
static struct mempool membid_pool = { NULLPOOLBLK, NULLPOOLBLK, 0, sizeof (struct membid), 50 };
static int
dobidmemory (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
int was, retval;
was = MemBid;
retval = setbool (&MemBid, "Access bid history from memory", argc, argv);
if (was != MemBid)
pool_free (&membid_pool);
if (MemBid)
bid_load (1);
return (retval);
static int
dobidcount (int argc OPTIONAL, char *argv[] OPTIONAL, void *p OPTIONAL)
struct mempoolblock *mpb = (struct mempoolblock *) 0;
long count = 0;
int blocks = 0;
if (!MemBid)
tputs ("Bids are not being stored in memory\n");
else {
for (mpb = membid_pool.top; mpb; mpb = mpb->next) {
if (!mpb->next)
count += (long) membid_pool.index;
count += membid_pool.numentries;
tprintf ("There are %ld Bids in memory in %d memory blocks\n", count, blocks);
return (0);
#ifdef WPAGES
static struct cmds OLDcmds[] =
{ "age", doage, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "client", dowpclient, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "clientcall", dowpclicall, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "destinations", dowpdest, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "kick", doexpkick, 2048, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "timer", dotimer, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "server", dowpserver, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "support", dowpsupport, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "temporaryage", dotempage, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "update", dowpupdate, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
static struct cmds OLDbidcmds[] =
{ "age", doage, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
#ifdef POOLED
{ "count", dobidcount, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "kick", dobidkick, 2048, 0, NULLCHAR },
#ifdef POOLED
{ "memory", dobidmemory, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
{ "timer", dotimer, 0, 0, NULLCHAR },
dooldbids (int argc, char **argv, void *p OPTIONAL)
return (subcmd (OLDbidcmds, argc, argv, (void *) 1));
#ifdef WPAGES
dooldwpages (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
return (subcmd (OLDcmds, argc, argv, (void *) 0));
static void
exp_function (funcname, filename, fname, theage, thetimer, strsize, sortsize)
const char *funcname, *fname OPTIONAL;
const char *filename;
int theage;
struct timer *thetimer;
int strsize, sortsize;
time_t age;
int didit;
stop_timer (thetimer);
log (-1, "%s: processing", funcname);
kwait (NULL);
didit = merge (filename); /* add in contents of '.new' file */
if (!didit)
return; /* skip expire if no NEW extries - for performance */
age = (time_t) (theage * 86400L);
sortit (filename, strsize + 17, sortsize, strsize, age); /* sort entire file */
if (expired)
log (-1, "%s: %d expired", funcname, expired);
start_detached_timer (thetimer);
#endif /* WPAGES */
/* This program will deleted old BID's from the history file,
* after making a backup copy.
* Eg. 'oldbids 24 30' will try to delete all bids older then 30 days
* every 24 hours.
* 'oldbids now' will do it now, with set value of age.
* Copyright 1992, Johan. K. Reinalda, WG7J/PA3DIS
* email : johan@ece.orst.edu
* packet: wg7j@wg7j.or.usa.na
* Any part of this source may be freely distributed for none-commercial,
* amateur radio use only, as long as credit is given to the author.
* v1.0 920325
* Modified to add oldwpages using shared code TNOS 1.0 BAL
static struct timer Oldbidtimer;
static int Oldbid_age = 30;
#ifdef WPAGES
static struct timer Oldwpagestimer;
static int Oldwpages_age = 30;
static void
Oldbidprocess (int a OPTIONAL, void *v1 OPTIONAL, void *v2 OPTIONAL)
int i, hasexpired = 0;
char *cp, *cp2;
FILE *old, *new;
time_t now;
time_t age;
time_t bidtime;
#define LEN 80
char *newfile;
char buf[LEN];
stop_timer (&Oldbidtimer);
log (-1, "Oldbid: processing");
age = (time_t) (Oldbid_age * 86400L);
kwait (NULL);
newfile = (char *) mallocw (strlen (Historyfile) + 5);
sprintf (newfile, "%s.new", Historyfile);
unlink (newfile);
if ((old = fopen (Historyfile, READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
log (-1, OpenErr, errno, Historyfile);
if ((new = fopen (newfile, WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
(void) fclose (old);
log (-1, OpenErr, errno, newfile);
free (newfile);
now = time (&now);
while (fgets (buf, LEN, old) != NULL) {
kwait (NULL);
rip (buf);
if (*buf == '$')
continue; /* skip deleted bid */
if ((cp = strchr (buf, ' ')) != NULLCHAR) {
/*found one with timestamp*/
*cp++ = '\0'; /* now points to timestamp */
cp2 = skipwhite (cp);
cp2 = skipnonwhite (cp2);
cp2 = skipwhite (cp2);
if ((bidtime = atol (cp)) == 0L)
/*something wrong, re-stamp */
fprintf (new, "%-13.13s %-14ld %s\n", buf, now, cp2);
else {
/* Has this one expired yet ? */
if (now - bidtime < age)
fprintf (new, "%-13.13s %-14ld %s\n", buf, bidtime, cp2);
} else {
/* This is an old one without time stamp,
* add to the new file with current time as timestamp
fprintf (new, "%-13.13s %-14ld unknown\n", buf, now);
kwait (NULL);
i = ferror (new);
(void) fclose (old);
(void) fclose (new);
if (!i) {
unlink (Historyfile);
if (rename (newfile, Historyfile) == -1)
log (-1, RenErr, errno, newfile, Historyfile);
} else
log (-1, WriteErr, errno, newfile);
free (newfile);
if (hasexpired)
log (-1, "Oldbid: %d expired", hasexpired);
start_detached_timer (&Oldbidtimer);
static void
Oldbidtick (void *p OPTIONAL)
if (newproc ("Oldbid", 2048, Oldbidprocess, 0, NULL, NULL, 0) == NULLPROC)
log (-1, "Couldn't start Oldbid process");
#ifdef WPAGES
static int
dotempage (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
if (argc < 2)
tprintf ("WP Temporary Assignment age: %d days\n", WPtempAge);
WPtempAge = atoi (argv[1]);
return 0;
static void
TempWPages ()
FILE *fp;
long offset, validentries = 0;
char buf[LINELEN], *cp;
time_t then, now;
(void) time (&now);
if ((fp = fopentmp (WhitePages, READ_TEXT)) != NULLFILE) {
while (offset = ftell (fp), fgets (buf, LINELEN - 1, fp)) {
kwait (NULL);
if (*buf == '$')
cp = skipnonwhite (buf);
*cp++ = 0;
cp = skipwhite (cp);
then = atol (cp);
if ((then + (WPtempAge * MSPDAY)) > now) {
#if 0
tcmdprintf ("temp: entry '%s' to remain %ld days\n", buf,
((then + (WPtempAge * MSPDAY)) - now) / MSPDAY);
wpageAdd (buf, 0, 1, 'T');
mark_forwarded (fp, offset, '$');
(void) fclose (fp);
if (!validentries) {
sprintf (buf, "%s.tmp", WhitePages);
unlink (buf);
kwait (NULL);
RenewWPages ()
exp_function ("Oldwpages", WhitePages, "wpages", Oldwpages_age, &Oldwpagestimer, 13, 6);
static void
Oldwpagesprocess (int a OPTIONAL, void *v1 OPTIONAL, void *v2 OPTIONAL)
setMaintenance ();
exp_function ("Oldwpages", WhitePagesBBS, "wpagebbs", Oldwpages_age, &Oldwpagestimer, 32, 6);
RenewWPages ();
TempWPages ();
clearMaintenance ();
static void
Oldwpagestick (void *p OPTIONAL)
if (newproc ("Oldwpages", 2048, Oldwpagesprocess, 0, NULL, NULL, 0) == NULLPROC)
log (-1, "Couldn't start Oldwpages process");
#endif /* WPAGES */
static const char *names[] = { "White Pages", "Bulletin ID" };
static int
dotimer (int argc, char *argv[], void *p)
struct timer *thetimer;
void (*thefunc) (void *); /* Function to call at expiration */
#ifdef WPAGES
thetimer = (p) ? &Oldbidtimer : &Oldwpagestimer;
thefunc = (p) ? Oldbidtick : Oldwpagestick;
thetimer = &Oldbidtimer;
thefunc = Oldbidtick;
if (argc < 2) {
tprintf ("%s timer: %lu/%lu minutes\n", names[(int) p],
read_timer (thetimer) / MSPMINUTE,
dur_timer (thetimer) / MSPMINUTE);
return 0;
stop_timer (thetimer); /* just in case */
thetimer->func = (void (*)(void *)) thefunc; /* what to call on timeout */
thetimer->arg = NULL; /* dummy value */
set_timer (thetimer, atol (argv[1]) * MSPMINUTE); /* set timer duration */
/* (*thefunc)(NULL); *//* Do one now and start it all!*/
start_detached_timer (thetimer); /* fire it up */
return 0;
static int
doexpkick (int argc OPTIONAL, char *argv[]OPTIONAL, void *p OPTIONAL)
void (*thefunc) (void *); /* Function to call at expiration */
#ifdef WPAGES
thefunc = (p) ? Oldbidtick : Oldwpagestick;
thefunc = Oldbidtick;
(*thefunc) (NULL);
return 0;
static int
dobidkick (int argc, char *argv[], void *p)
#ifdef POOLED
int hasexpired = 0;
time_t now;
time_t age;
struct membid *mb;
if (!MemBid)
return (doexpkick (argc, argv, p));
#ifdef POOLED
stop_timer (&Oldbidtimer);
log (-1, "Oldbid: processing");
age = (time_t) (Oldbid_age * 86400L);
kwait (NULL);
unlink (Historyfile);
now = time (&now);
for (mb = MemBidTop; mb; mb = mb->next) {
kwait (NULL);
if (mb->bid[0] == '$')
continue; /* skip deleted bid */
if (now - mb->time < age)
bid_add (mb->bid, mb->time, 2, mb->to);
if (hasexpired)
log (-1, "Oldbid: %d expired", hasexpired);
bid_load (0);
start_detached_timer (&Oldbidtimer);
return 0;
static int
doage (int argc, char *argv[], void *p)
int *theage;
#ifdef WPAGES
theage = (p) ? &Oldbid_age : &Oldwpages_age;
theage = &Oldbid_age;
if (argc < 2)
tprintf ("%s age: %d days\n", names[(int) p], *theage);
*theage = atoi (argv[1]);
return 0;
#ifdef POOLED
static void
bid_load (int mode)
FILE *fp;
char *cp, *cp2, buf[LINELEN + 1];
long count = 0;
if (MemBid) {
pool_free (&membid_pool);
if ((fp = fopen (Historyfile, READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
while (!feof (fp)) {
kwait (NULL);
(void) fgets (buf, LINELEN, fp);
if (feof (fp))
rip (buf);
cp = strchr (buf, ' ');
if (!cp)
*cp++ = 0;
cp2 = skipwhite (cp);
cp2 = skipnonwhite (cp2);
cp2 = skipwhite (cp2);
bid_add (buf, atol (cp), 0, cp2);
(void) fclose (fp);
if (mode)
tprintf ("There were %ld bids read\n", count);
bid_add (char *bid, time_t now, int tofile, char *to)
FILE *fp;
#ifdef POOLED
struct membid *mb;
/* tofile == 0 - add in memory only - don't check for bid_load
* tofile == 1 - add to memory and file
* tofile == 2 - add to file only
#ifdef POOLED
if (tofile != 2 && MemBid) {
if (tofile && !membid_pool.top)
bid_load (0);
mb = (struct membid *) pool_alloc (&membid_pool);
mb->next = MemBidTop;
MemBidTop = mb;
strncpy (mb->bid, bid, 13);
strncpy (mb->to, to, 13);
mb->time = (long) now;
if (tofile && (fp = fopen (Historyfile, APPEND_TEXT)) != NULL) {
fprintf (fp, "%-13.13s %-14ld %s\n", bid, now, to); /* Save BID */
(void) fclose (fp);
bid_check (register char *string)
int retval = 0;
char buf[LINELEN];
register FILE *fp;
#ifdef POOLED
struct membid *mb;
if (MemBid) {
if (!membid_pool.top)
bid_load (0);
for (mb = MemBidTop; mb; mb = mb->next) {
if (mb->bid[0] == '$')
if (!strnicmp (string, mb->bid, strlen (string))) {
retval = 1;
} else {
if ((fp = fopen (Historyfile, READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
return 0;
while (!feof (fp)) {
kwait (NULL);
(void) fgets (buf, LINELEN, fp);
if (feof (fp))
if (*buf == '$')
if (!strnicmp (string, buf, strlen (string))) {
retval = 1;
(void) fclose (fp);
#ifdef POOLED
return (retval);
/* Releases a bid from the history file. Used when a personal message
* is forwarded off the system. Lets it be able to come back here,
* if needed.
bid_delete (register char *string)
register FILE *fp;
char buf[LINELEN];
long theindex;
#ifdef POOLED
struct membid *mb;
if (string == NULLCHAR)
#ifdef POOLED
if (MemBid) {
if (!membid_pool.top)
bid_load (0);
for (mb = MemBidTop; mb; mb = mb->next) {
if (mb->bid[0] == '$')
if (!strnicmp (string, mb->bid, strlen (string))) {
mb->bid[0] = '$';
} else {
if ((fp = fopen (Historyfile, UPDATE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
while (!feof (fp)) {
kwait (NULL);
theindex = ftell (fp);
(void) fgets (buf, LINELEN, fp);
if (feof (fp))
if (*buf == '$')
if (!strnicmp (string, buf, 13)) {
fseek (fp, theindex, SEEK_SET);
fputc ('$', fp);
(void) fclose (fp);
#ifdef POOLED
kwait (NULL);
#ifdef WPAGES
static int
dowpsupport (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
return setbool (&MbWpages, "Use White Pages dbase", argc, argv);
static int
dowpserver (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
return setbool (&WPServer, "Enable WP Server - process incoming WP messages", argc, argv);
static int
dowpclient (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
return setbool (&WPClient, "Enable WP Client - process WP updates", argc, argv);
static int
dowpclicall (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
char buf[128], *cp;
strncpy (buf,
#ifdef MBFWD /* just in case ;-) */
(BIDsuffix) ? BIDsuffix :
Hostname, 128);
if ((cp = strchr (buf, '.')) != NULLCHAR)
*cp = 0;
if (argc > 1) {
free (WPcall);
WPcall = strdup (argv[1]);
tputs ("WP updates will be sent from ");
if (!WPcall)
tprintf ("WP@%s - no clientcall set\n", buf);
tprintf ("%s@%s\n", WPcall, buf);
return 0;
static int
dowpdest (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
int k;
if (argc == 1) {
if (!WPdestinations[0])
tputs ("No WP update destinations are defined\n");
else {
tputs ("WP updates will be sent to the following PBBSs...\n\n");
for (k = 0; k < WPDEST; k++)
if (WPdestinations[k])
tprintf ("%s\n", WPdestinations[k]);
return 0;
for (k = 0; k < WPDEST; k++)
if (!WPdestinations[k]) {
WPdestinations[k] = strdup (argv[1]);
if (k == WPDEST)
tprintf ("Sorry, but the maximum of %d update destinations were already defined!\007\n", WPDEST);
return 0;
static int
dowpupdate (int argc, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
if (argc < 2) {
tprintf ("timer: %lu/%lu hrs\n",
read_timer (&WPUpdatetimer) / MSPHOUR,
dur_timer (&WPUpdatetimer) / MSPHOUR);
return 0;
if (*argv[1] == 'n') {
WPUpdatetick (NULL);
return 0;
/* set the timer */
stop_timer (&WPUpdatetimer); /* Just in case */
WPUpdatetimer.func = (void (*)(void *)) WPUpdatetick; /* what to call on timeout */
WPUpdatetimer.arg = NULL; /* dummy value */
set_timer (&WPUpdatetimer, atol (argv[1]) * MSPHOUR); /* set timer duration */
start_detached_timer (&WPUpdatetimer);
return 0;
static void
WPUpdatetick (void *p OPTIONAL)
int k;
FILE *fp;
char here[128];
char there[128];
start_detached_timer (&WPUpdatetimer);
if (WPClient) {
fp = fopen (WPUpdateFile, READ_TEXT);
if (!fp)
sprintf (here, "%s@%s", (WPcall) ? WPcall : "WP", Hostname);
for (k = 0; k < WPDEST; k++) {
if (WPdestinations[k]) {
log (-1, "WP Update sent to: %s", WPdestinations[k]);
rewind (fp);
sprintf (there, "WP@%s", WPdestinations[k]);
(void) rdaemon (fp, NULLCHAR, here, there, "WP Update", 'P', 0);
(void) fclose (fp);
unlink (WPUpdateFile);
add_WPUpdate (char *origcall, char *home, char *name, char which)
FILE *fp;
time_t now;
struct tm *t;
char *bbshier, *who = NULLCHAR, *cp;
char here[80];
char *call;
if (!WPClient)
if (which == 'X' || which == 'T')
fp = fopen (WPUpdateFile, APPEND_TEXT);
if (!fp)
(void) time (&now);
t = localtime (&now);
call = strdup (origcall);
(void) strupr (call);
cp = strpbrk (call, ".#@[");
if (cp)
*cp = 0;
if (mbxRCall)
strncpy (here, mbxRCall, 80);
(void) pax25 (here, Mycall);
if (!home || !stricmp (here, home)) {
if (Mbhaddress) {
strcat (here, ".");
strcat (here, Mbhaddress);
bbshier = strdup (here);
} else
bbshier = wpageCheck (home, 1, 0, 'X');
if (bbshier) {
if (name) {
who = strdup (&name[1]);
cp = strpbrk (who, " )");
if (cp)
*cp = 0;
fprintf (fp, "On %02d%02d%02d %s/%c @ %s zip ? %s ?\n",
t->tm_year, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, call, which,
bbshier, (who && *who) ? who : "?");
if (who)
free (who);
free (bbshier);
free (call);
(void) fclose (fp);
wpserver (FILE *fp, const char *from OPTIONAL)
char buf[512], subject[256], realfrom[128], *cp;
long startat;
char call[12], bbs[80], zip[12], name[64], *qth, updatetype = 'I';
int k;
if (!WPServer)
return 0;
parseheader (fp, realfrom, subject, NULLCHAR, NULLCHAR, buf, &startat);
cp = strchr (realfrom, '@');
if (cp)
*cp++ = 0;
log (-1, "WP Updates received from %s", (cp) ? cp : "unknown source");
fseek (fp, startat, SEEK_SET);
if (realfrom[0] && subject[0]) {
while (fgets (buf, 512, fp) != NULLCHAR) {
if (!strnicmp ("On ", buf, 3)) { /* this is a WP Update line */
rip (buf);
sscanf (&buf[10], "%s @ %s zip %s %s",
call, bbs, zip, name);
qth = buf;
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
qth = strchr (qth, ' ');
if (qth)
if (!qth)
cp = strchr (call, '/');
if (cp) {
*cp++ = 0;
updatetype = *cp;
#if 0
tcmdprintf ("Received WP Update [%c]: %s @ %s (%s) zip=%s qth=%s\n",
updatetype, call, bbs, name, zip, qth);
if (updatetype != 'I') {
sprintf (name, "%s@%s", call, bbs);
wpageAdd (name, 0, (updatetype == 'G') ? 0 : 1, 'X');
} else
wpageAdd (bbs, 1, 1, 'X');
return 1;
#ifdef MBFWD
dombbid (int argc OPTIONAL, char *argv[], void *p OPTIONAL)
char buf[LINELEN], *cp = NULLCHAR;
register FILE *fp;
#ifdef POOLED
struct membid *mb;
if (MemBid) {
if (!membid_pool.top)
bid_load (0);
for (mb = MemBidTop; mb; mb = mb->next) {
if (strnicmp (mb->bid, argv[1], strlen (argv[1])))
cp = mb->to;
} else {
if ((fp = fopen (Historyfile, READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
return 0;
while (!feof (fp)) {
kwait (NULL);
(void) fgets (buf, LINELEN, fp);
if (feof (fp))
if (strnicmp (argv[1], buf, strlen (argv[1])))
rip (buf);
cp = skipnonwhite (buf);
cp = skipwhite (cp);
cp = skipnonwhite (cp);
cp = skipwhite (cp);
(void) fclose (fp);
#ifdef POOLED
if (cp == NULLCHAR || !*cp)
tprintf ("\nBid '%s' is either NOT on the system, or cannot be located\n", argv[1]);
tprintf ("\nBid '%s' is in area '%s'\n", argv[1], cp);
return 0;